Friday, January 13, 2012

Taka Taka

I love to eat anything that is spicy.  So when my boss and I were starving one afternoon after walking all over SoHo in hopes of finding a new retail location (in the pouring rain) and he suggested going in to Taka Taka I immediately caved.  Mexican sushi and Japanese tacos hhhmmmm...  Well it turns out it is now my new favorite place.  The food there is the type that pops up in dreams, and in sparse silent moments comes to mind accompanied by the most intense craving.
I decided that if I were going to become addicted to said restaurant I might as well have Mike try it out as well.  So on New Year's Day we ventured there for lunch.  I promptly ordered everything that looked good i.e.. every spicy sushi roll on the menu, and we ate until we were bursting.  Did I mention that a variety of sushi rolls come around on a conveyor, and you can choose to pick up any of them?!  Yes, there is a number coded menu that tells you which is which, and you can grab until your heart's content stomach's bulging and screaming at you to stop the madness.
I went there again today for lunch by myself.  After a hard week of work, and the fact that it was 4:30pm and I had still not taken lunch, I decided I deserved it, plus it is right down the block from the showroom where I was working, and frankly why not?!  Not only was I able to indulge in spicy sushi and miso soup (with jalapeños,) but the waiter told me I looked like Drew Barrymore and I must get that a lot.  This is what I call a win win situation.
 Happy long weekend my friends!  Stay cozy!!

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